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The Rain: The second season comes in May

Image: Netflix
(Post image: © 2019 Netflix)

Personally, I liked The Rain series because it fits into the same genre as The 100, my favorite series. Now Netflix has announced the second season.

For everyone who doesn't yet know what the series is about: One day Simone is picked up from her school and taken to a bunker by her father with her mother and brother Rasmus. This is because the rain that contains a virus kills people all over the world. During the course of the first season, the mother dies and the father disappears and does not appear again. That means that Simone and Rasmus are on their own. With a group of people they get to know, they go in search of survivors.

The Rain Season 2 | announcement

The only way to survive: stay together. But who can you trust The Rain Season 2 is coming on May 17th.

Posted by Netflix on Wednesday, 3. April 2019

On Facebook, Netflix announced that the second season will start on May 17th on Netflix. How the series will continue is not yet known, as the premiere season had an open ending. In any case, I'm really excited.

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David Haydl

David lives in Graz and has been there for around half a decade TechnikNews, also editor-in-chief for some time. He regularly provides the site with news, test reports and the like TechnikNews Weekly, which was his idea to launch. He likes to spend his free time outdoors, listening to a lot of music (and clearly too loud) and some podcasts on all kinds of topics, and also likes to go running. He enjoys the time that remains with his charming girlfriend or in front of the TV.

David has already written 1252 articles and left 116 comments.

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