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OPPO presents ColorOS 12 based on Android 12

OPPO ColorOS 12 launch event
Image: OPPO Germany
(Post picture: © 2021 OPPO Germany)

OPPO has today in one Online livestream presented their new ColorOS 12. Here you can find out what is new and when it will come to us.

With ColorOS 12, OPPO now offers a new system version of their Android skin, according to OPPO the focus is on smooth performance and versatile functions.

ColorOS 12 "Just Sync"

Worldwide, OPPO has now reached 440 million people in 68 countries. These - of course - also use ColorOS on their smartphones. With ColorOS 12, the simplicity of the system is raised to another level. This should be done through understandable icons, animations and structures for different smartphones.

Just Sync motto ColorOS 12

You can see exactly how OPPO has revised the UI to better implement its "Infinite Design". (Image: OPPO Germany)

Proproductivity on a new level

OPPO bets on high Proproductivity with ColorOS 12. Intelligent defragmentation and improved intelligent resource management ensure long-term use without lags and dropouts. The company carried out a measurement for this - with a smartphone use of three years, the overall aging rate of the smartphone was only 2,75 Procent. That equals 30 Procent less memory load than 20 Proless battery consumption. Such a value can be seen.

Animations from another planet

Since ColorOS 11, OPPO has been known for delivering an incredibly smooth variety of animation. This is said to have been revised again. This is made possible by the new "Quantum Animation Engine 3.0" - according to OPPO, this is said to have adapted to the human brain. Effects as expected should be achieved with it.

Functions revised

ColorOS 11 introduced many new features. Including, for example, a 3-finger translation, Google Lens, FlexDrop and a revised Phone Manager. These functions have been further expanded and with ColorOS 12 they get even more functionality.

PC-Connect for Windows PCs

OPPO now offers a new tool for Windows PCs with Windows 10 & 11. This can bring calls, messages etc. to your own PC. The smartphone screen can also be transmitted interactively to the PC monitor. Access to the clipboard - including copying and pasting content and texts.

OPPO Color OS 12 PC Connect

PC-Connect will be available for ColorOS 2022 in early 12. (Image: OPPO Germany)

Data protection, but safe!

With Android 12, Google provides many data protection features. OPPO has adapted this and of course also built in its own. In addition to the privacy dashboard - as known from Android 12 - there is also the approximate location approval. For example, you can only tell the weather app your approximate location and not the exact one. Camera and microphone displays, if used, are also included. OPPO focuses on transparency and privacy, and new quick toggles can also be used to completely deactivate cameras or microphones.

OPPO has also been certified by external institutions such as ePrivacy and ISO27001.

Android developers are welcome

ColorOS 12 has adapted many standard functions from Android 12. But there are just as many of its own functions where Android 12 was inspired by ColorOS. Background image with its own theming system that has been around at OPPO for a long time - this is now reflected under the name "Material You". The App Cloner, which has been around for a long time at ColorOS, has now also been built into Android 12.

OPPO welcomes all Android developers, they rely on mutual exchange as well as openness and discourse in order to achieve the common goal. ColorOS is based on a friendly Android developer concept. Free camera software kits (in the form of SDKs), which include OPPO's own renowned camera functions, are freely available to every developer. That should help with optimization in the Android ecosystem.

Worldwide launch of ColorOS 12

OPPO has already opened a beta version in Indonesia, Malaysia and now Thailand. We in Germany, on the other hand, have to wait a little longer. The rollout will be continued step by step in other countries. ColorOS 12 will be the first ColorOS version to land on over 110 models and thus 150 million users.

ColorOS 12 rollout WEU

Here is the rollout plan for Western Europe, including Germany. (Image: OPPO Germany)

The OPPO Find X3 Pro will therefore get the ColorOS 2021 update in December 12. The rest of the models that are available in this country will be due in the first and second half of 2022.

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General note on articles in the "OPPOblog"

This article is in TechnikNews OPPOblog published - the very own blog for OPPO fans. OPPOblog reports independently and is not operated by the "OPPO" brand.

Dominic Lux

Dominik is 21 years old and very interested in new hardware for smartphones, as well as in the VR and AR area. He enjoys writing articles on these subjects. He has a fable for smartphones and gadgets, as well as electromobility. So he is currently busy writing in the new mobility department here TechnikNews.

Dominik has already written 119 articles and left 7 comments.

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