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Android apps crash: How to solve the problem

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There are currently numerous Android apps that crash immediately after starting or during use. This includes, for example, popular apps such as the Gmail email app, TikTok, some games and more. This is due to the Android WebView, which is used to display web content.

The problem has been going on for a few hours – it started yesterday afternoon. Google has addressed the issue to “TheVerge“ has now been officially confirmed and a bug fix has been released in the form of an update. A bug in a current version of the Android System WebView causes some apps to crash unexpectedly when certain content is clicked on. There may also be isolated crashes immediately after starting. In this article, we will show you how to solve the problem.

Error in Android System WebView: Android app crashes - this is how you can fix it

There are two possible solutions to make the apps work again. The simplest variant is to bring the Android WebView up to date. If you update to version 89.0.4389.105, everything should work again. This update is available to all users in the Google Play Store to disposal. If the app does not update automatically, simply switch to the Play Store, type in "Android System WebView" and click on "Update". Alternatively, you can click on the following link:

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free of charge

If you can't update, a second option can help. Like Samsung Support via Twitter recommends that you can reset the Android System WebView to solve the problem. To do this, you need to go to Settings > Apps > Android System WebView > three dots top right > uninstall updates. Then restart the smartphone and open the desired app. Then Android apps will no longer crash. If you cannot find Android System WebView directly under your apps, there may be a menu (usually three dots) with the option to display "System apps". If the app does not appear then either, scroll down, there we have another alternative solution.

Doesn't work or Android system WebView deactivated? Another solution

With older (Samsung) smartphones, the above solutions may not work, as some did for us TechnikNews Readers have reported this. This may be due to a deactivated Android WebView or it may not be installed on the smartphone at all. Then the app cannot be updated and updates cannot be uninstalled. In earlier Android versions and manufacturers, the WebView was still linked to Google Chrome. To solve the problem anyway, you can try updating Google Chrome to version 89.0.4389.105. Google has now released an update for Google Chrome in the Google Play Store rolled out.

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free of charge

If the update is not available, you can use the Google Chrome APK download directly here. As a further alternative, you can also search for “Google Chrome” in the apps and uninstall the updates there as described above. This can also fix the app crash when Android WebView is deactivated.

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David Wurm

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Sorry for the German ^^ So again ... The Android System WebView application is deactivated by default. That means, I can't undo anything regarding the update either. In the Playstore it does not appear under the applications ^^ Neither when installed nor in the media library.


I have exactly the same problem as Holger and unfortunately Google Chrome doesn't work for me either 🙁

Jannic Manz

Updating Google Chrome works for me! Thanks!


Thanks so much. Now it actually seems to be working again after being almost desperate for an hour. Thank you 🙂
Feel free to delete my other comment below if you can. Accidentally appeared twice


Top. I have now downloaded the new version of Chrome from the App Store and it works now. Thanks very much!


Perfect. For me, too, it works again with the Google Chrome update.
Otherwise the app was deactivated and could not be touched.

I thank myself. 🙂


Thanks, the Chrome update helped here too.


Thank you very much for the helpful tip!


Hello 😉

Yes, with the installation of Chrome everything went smoothly. What I don't understand, however, is why the Android System WebView is deactivated on my Samsung S7? If it's part of the Android system, why would you turn it off and use the Chrome Webview instead? It's strange. Especially since it's likely that problems will occur whenever Chrome isn't up to date. I'm practically forced to use Chrome now, otherwise the known problems will occur again. But I'm afraid you can't give any advice on that.
My first thought was to reset the cell phone to the delivery state. But if I'm unlucky it just looks like it does now and I wanted to save myself that 😉
Ergo, the actually intended Android WebView system is deactivated by default at Samsung and instead the system accesses the Chrome. Then so be it.

Thank you for your help.


For me, too, the weather and email work again after the Google Chrome update. Thanks for the great help here! LG, Arno

Jean Beach

Hello, thanks for the tips, unfortunately they didn't work. I have a problem with my A51 where I can no longer turn on my WiFi, Bluetooth and the mobile hotspot. Sometimes I get a message saying that Bluetooth has been turned off. And the following also happens: when I turn off my phone and then restart it, it usually takes 5 attempts before it turns on and doesn't restart again.
Maybe you can help me.


Hello, I have a Redmi 8T and can neither update the WebView application nor Chrome. Only "update pending" comes up for hours. Emptying the cache did not help either. Other forums do not recommend uninstalling Chrome's updates. Apart from that, I still haven't understood how I could even do it, I haven't found a button for it. Do you have another tip for me? Thank you very much!


Hi, thank you very much - I was able to uninstall the updates from Google Chrome and also clear the cache of the Google Play Store and services. Unfortunately, the Chrome update still does not work and my apps are still crashing .... Any ideas? Can you assume that sooner or later an update will be installed automatically and everything will work again? Thank you in advance!


Thanks for the tips! You guys helped me a lot
Cheers 🙂


Imam proproblem.. Viber mi ne radi drugi dan… Sve sam probala.. Ne samo meni.. Puno mojih prijatelja ima isti problem


Thanks - the tip with the Google Chrome update worked!

Rainbow wrasse

Hello, I got yesterday's Chrome update (it was installed automatically), but my gmx app does not work. And gmx says I should update the Android System WebView application in addition to the Chrome update. That in turn does not work, it is not displayed in the Play Store. What now?? Thank you for your help!


Hello, I have a Samsung S20, both updates installed. It took forever. In the evening the status was still "Installation pending", in the morning the update was done. Since then, the mobile phone hangs up almost every step of the way with "Surface does not react". Or it restarts automatically all the time. If I switch off WLAN, mobile data, ... it works. What can I do now?


sorry you made a mistake… S10, not S20 🙂


Thanks for the solution with the Chrome update!
Today I am almost desperate with my S8 because I did not activate Androit System Webview or got no update and luckily I found your site or tip!
Updated Chrome and now no more problems.
@David, thank you very much !!!


Thanks - been making out all afternoon. It worked. You're great


Updating Chrome worked, it looks like I would never have thought of it Thank you very much


Thanks for the tip. My S7 works again after the Chrome update 🙂
I wanted to reset the phone to factory settings ...


My web view thing is deactivated by default ^^ What now? I can't press activate either, it doesn't work. Samsung Galaxy S7 ...