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Finder on the Mac: tips and tricks

Finder Mac
Screenshot: TechnikNews

Ever wondered which app is on the far left in each macOS dock - the one with the laughing icon? This is the Finder, the Mac's file system. In this guide I want to share some tips and tricks on how to get along better with this one.

A little disclaimer at the beginning: This article contains tips and tricks that experienced Mac users are probably already familiar with, but which can be helpful for newbies. If you think I've forgotten a helpful tip: Put it in the comments!

Groupings and views

As in Windows Explorer, you can switch between different views for the files in the current directory in the Finder. There are a total of four modes for this, one of which can be selected via the icon group in the left half of the toolbar. There is a gallery, list, column and preview view.

Finder Mac groupings

Screenshot: TechnikNews

What is not available in this form on Windows: groupings. This is called up using the button to the right of the views. Then it is possible, among other things, to group the apps in the Applications folder by category.

Customize the sidebar

Everyone should have noticed the sidebar by now. These can be adapted and configured according to your own wishes.

For example, you should adapt the list of favorites. To add a favorite, simply drag a folder into the favorites area. If you want to remove a favorite, you simply drag it from the Finder window into the void.

Finder Mac sidebar 1

Sections of the sidebar can be hidden. (Screenshot: TechnikNews)

Sections can be easily hidden and shown again using the "Hide" button. If you have accidentally removed a standard folder from the sidebar (such as the user folder, (in my case "davidhaydl"), you can use the Finder settings (menu bar> "Finder"> "Settings"> "Sidebar") ) retrieve.

Use tags

However, there are not only folders for structuring your own files. No, Apple implemented small colored dots called tags, which are also supposed to keep things tidy.

Finder Mac Tags 1

Screenshot: TechnikNews

First of all, I clarify the question of where tags can be found at all. These are hidden in the sidebar at the bottom. There you can see a list with all activated tags. An entire list can be found under the menu item "All tags". This is also the place where you edit existing elements. You can then rename or delete them there.

Finder Mac Tags 2

Screenshot: TechnikNews

The colored dots are attached to folders and files using the context menu. Items in the Finder can either be given one or more tags.

Reach the root folder

Little history lesson: At the time this article was published, I wanted to copy a file path a few days ago. I've looked everywhere, including in the context menu, but nowhere did I find the right option. This was actually hidden in the context menu, but it was not visible at first glance.

The solution for that Proproblem: Expand the context menu while holding down the OPTION key. Then suddenly some menu items appear that were not there before. Definitely should probeer if you are looking for something and cannot find it immediately.

Search for directories using the path

If you have then copied the file path, you can use it to access the appropriate file again. To do this, open another window with "COMMAND + SHIFT + G" where you can insert the path. Et viola, we have found our file or folder again.

Use multiple tabs and windows

Tabs can be a practical thing. Thanks to them, you can, for example, multitask efficiently and work with several things at the same time in an Internet browser. And such tabs are also available in the Finder. To create one, you have to click on "Open in new tab" in the context menu of an element. Then a new tab will appear.

Also possible: Working with several windows. To do this, click on "New Window" in the context menu of the Finder icon in the dock.

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David Haydl

David lives in Graz and has been there for around half a decade TechnikNews, also editor-in-chief for some time. He regularly provides the site with news, test reports and the like TechnikNews Weekly, which was his idea to launch. He likes to spend his free time outdoors, listening to a lot of music (and clearly too loud) and some podcasts on all kinds of topics, and also likes to go running. He enjoys the time that remains with his charming girlfriend or in front of the TV.

David has already written 1252 articles and left 116 comments.

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