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Share notes in iOS 10 with other people - here's how!

(Post picture: © 2015

David Wurm

This is what the author says:

Very practical function!

Since iOS 10 you can share notes with other contacts and manage them together. In this guide, we'll show you how sharing works.

Joint shopping list or a to-do list for the household? Previously, iPhone users had to use third-party apps with this function. Now it is very easy to have other users added to a note - this is very easy. You don't have to be an iPhone user for this - you just need an Apple ID and a browser.

Create a joint note

Important: the synchronization with the iCloud must be activated in the settings in order for it to work. (thanks Tom!) The first step is to create a new note as usual. Once you have created the note, you should see a "+" person symbol at the top. If you click on the icon, you should get a share link created. Here you click on "Copy link" to copy it to your clipboard. You can also share the link directly on Facebook, WhatsApp & Co. using "Add people".

Join a shared note

If your contact now opens the link with their iPhone, they will have direct access to the notes. If the link opens in the browser, you will need to log in with your Apple ID. This is used to be able to forbid further access to persons later. Once this is done, you can edit your note or to-do list together.

Image: Apple

Exclude people from further access

It is also possible to subsequently prohibit certain users from further processing. All you have to do is switch to the list of invited people. There just needs to be tapped on the desired person - the user is already denied further access. If you want to set the note back to private, you switch back to "People". At the very bottom, you now have to click on “Do not share anymore” - the note is already set to private again.

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David Wurm

Do that TechnikNews-Ding together with a great team since 2015. Works in the background on the server infrastructure and is also responsible for everything editorial. Is fascinated by current technology and enjoys blogging about everything digital. In his free time he can often be found developing webs, taking photographs or making radio.

David has already written 962 articles and left 382 comments.

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David Wurm

This is what the author says:

Very practical function!

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It is important that it only works if you sync your notes with iCloud 😉
Otherwise you will look for the "+" symbol in vain.

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