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What's on my Phone: I use these apps

Image: Apple
(Post image: © 2019 Apple)

Everyone who has a smartphone these days uses 99-prolikely several different apps. In this post I want to show which ones I use. I also provide information about my wallpaper, the launcher used and the icon pack used.

Wallpaper, launcher and icon pack

As wallpaper, I use a picture of my girlfriend on the lockscreen and a background image from the home screen WWDC 2019 collection by Twitter users and graphic designers AR7. He mainly made his works for iPhones, but you can also use them on Android smartphones. For the launcher, I chose Hyperion, because the icons with the EMUI launcher are too big for me and Hyperion offers many customization options. I grabbed the icon pack Line bit, for which the developer charges 1,59 euros. But there are often promotions where you can get this pack for free.

In the dock

I placed the apps in the dock, which I open at least five times a day. This includes WhatsApp, T, Slack, Spotify and the Chrome browser. Todoist is my task manager of choice, I use Slack to communicate with the TechnikNews-Team and Spotify is the music streaming service I chose.

Under the dock, I activated Google's search bar to find things quickly.

On the home screen

Since there are many of the standard apps on my home screen, I will only mention those that may require an explanation.

Screenshot: TechnikNews

The first of these applications is Fitbit. I use Fitbit to synchronize with my company's wearables. There I see sleep data, workout information and similar things. I can also record there how much I drink and what I have eaten. Unfortunately, the synchronization with the devices does not work perfectly because the app has not really been optimized for Huawei and Honor devices.

The next app on my home screen that may not be familiar to everyone is called Pocket (to the app test). You can send articles or videos from the Internet to Pocket that you find interesting and want to read or watch later. There they are then prepared in a view that is pleasant to read. It is also possible for the stored content to be read out, which works amazingly well.

I placed right next to it Pocket Casts. Through this app I follow all the podcasts that I like to listen to. I especially like the download and storage management, as downloaded episodes are simply deleted when you have finished listening to them.

In the bottom row is the app for the timetable software for schools called Untis. I have saved my own and my girlfriend's schedule there so that I always have an overview of her and my subjects and substitutions.

It continues on the second page.

Screenshot: TechnikNews

Besides YouTube, the camera and Netflix are there Discord and LastPass. Discord is there to communicate with my class and I store all my passwords in LastPass. You can see them above ÖBB's Scotty app and Feed me. In Scotty, timetables for public transport throughout Austria are provided, which are still very accurate and correct. Feed Me shows me all the new articles from websites I love to visit in one place.

Most of you probably noticed the two widgets. The first is over Neon rock for Kwgt and the second is that of the Google Calendar.

Hidden in the app drawer

Finally, there are a few apps that I use every now and then and that found no space on the start screen. These include Candy Crush and There Day, the only games that I run every now and then. I still have it Super Mario Runwhich I hardly play anymore.

Screenshot: TechnikNews

Authy is also used quite often for two-factor authentication for apps, ELBA from Raiffeisen is my banking app and Photomath is a great help to me at school. In order not to lose track of the series, I still use TV Time and Spark is the mail app I'm currently using and testing.

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David Haydl

David lives in Graz and has been there for around half a decade TechnikNews, also editor-in-chief for some time. He regularly provides the site with news, test reports and the like TechnikNews Weekly, which was his idea to launch. He likes to spend his free time outdoors, listening to a lot of music (and clearly too loud) and some podcasts on all kinds of topics, and also likes to go running. He enjoys the time that remains with his charming girlfriend or in front of the TV.

David has already written 1252 articles and left 116 comments.

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