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Apple: These Macs should be planned

MacBook Air (2022) featured image
Image: Apple
(Post image: © 2022 Apple)

Just on Monday, Apple unveiled a new MacBook Air and a new MacBook Pro at WWDC 2022. This begs the question: what's next?

The Macbook Air (2022) scores points with a new design and the M2 processor. The latter belongs to the second generation of Apple's in-house computer chips. There were several rumors that Apple would also be releasing a version with a 13,6-inch display in addition to the 15-inch version presented. But in the end we didn't see that.

Still, Apple hasn't completely written off this model yet, according to a new insider report. The company could unveil such a MacBook next spring at the earliest.

MacBook Pro with M2 Pro and M2 Max

A MacBook Pro with the M2 Pro and M2 Max is expected to arrive a little earlier. The end of 2022 is currently the target release date, but this could also be postponed to the beginning of next year. The M2 Max is expected to have twelve processing cores and 38 graphics cores.

Apple MacBook Air (2022) design

Image: Apple

The MacBooks themselves shouldn't change that much because there were only major updates last year.

A 12-inch model is also in the works

In 2015, a very thin 12-inch MacBook was presented, which heralded the age of the lack of ports on MacBooks. A year later, a new generation appeared for this, and it was discontinued in 2019.

Towards the end of next year or early 2014, the MacBook will be revived with the 12-inch display. According to the report, Apple has only just started working on such a device.

Where is the Mac Pro?

After the keynote at the beginning of March, many people assumed that a Mac Pro would be shown at WWDC. After all, John Ternus said that computers would be the topic of another day and Monday would have been the perfect day. But there was no Mac Pro anywhere in sight. The report only says that it is currently being tested internally.

Whether these Macs will ultimately come onto the market in this order is of course not yet clear. The next event dealing with Apple computers could again take place towards the end of the year.


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David Haydl

David lives in Graz and has been there for around half a decade TechnikNews, also editor-in-chief for some time. He regularly provides the site with news, test reports and the like TechnikNews Weekly, which was his idea to launch. He likes to spend his free time outdoors, listening to a lot of music (and clearly too loud) and some podcasts on all kinds of topics, and also likes to go running. He enjoys the time that remains with his charming girlfriend or in front of the TV.

David has already written 1273 articles and left 117 comments.

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