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Google Keyboard: New name and search function

Image: Google Play Store
(Post picture: © 2017 Google Play Store)

Martin Schneider

This is what the author says:

Nice features, but I don't need the search function anyway because I don't use emojis most of the time.

The Google Keyboard is available as a standard keyboard in many smartphones, but you can also download it manually. Now the keyboard has been given a new name and a search function!

While the keyboard search feature isn't new to iOS users, it can make a positive impression on Android users. The new name also takes getting used to, but now for both parties, as it was previously called Google Keyboard.

The new name is GBoard

The new name of the Google Keyboard is now Gboard. This is a combination of Google (G) and Keyboard (Board). The developers at Google want it to be short and sweet. You can now also activate the G button in the settings, which enables a quick search. It is also possible to share the content directly. This is possible with WhatsApp, for example.

The new name is pretty popular with users. Image: Google Play Store / Screenshot

Search function and automatic deactivation of GIFs

Unsuccessful emoji searches could be a thing of the past with the new search function on Google Keyboard or Gboard. According to current reports, this function will soon be built into the Gboard and let you find the emoji you want with a letter. The button for GIFs, which are not yet supported by all apps, will soon be automatically deactivated. The new Gboard allows the improvements to be noted directly.

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Martin Schneider

Martin is also active here as an editor. He is interested in smartphones, apps, notebooks, computers and the big internet. So in the end he is interested in many things in the colorful world of technology.

Martin has already written 72 articles and made 28 comments.

Martin Schneider

This is what the author says:

Nice features, but I don't need the search function anyway because I don't use emojis most of the time.

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