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Instagram and WhatsApp down: Facebook companies are currently disrupted

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(Post picture: © 2017

That has never happened before: Instagram and WhatsApp are down at the same time. Both companies belong to Facebook, so the failure can be very well connected. However, Facebook itself is not affected by the disruption.

In the past Instagram was down, and WhatsApp was down several times. However, both services have never failed at the same time. Today, however, the time has come - the feed no longer loads on Instagram, for example, and messages cannot be sent. Messages cannot be sent or received on WhatsApp, and media can not be sent either.

Instagram and WhatsApp down: what's the cause?

As always, we don't know what the reason is. It is also funny that Facebook itself is not down and continues to work. At the moment, however, users have no choice but to wait and not to blame their own Internet. We will inform you in this article about further updates on this disorder.

Update at 19:07 pm: Instagram and WhatsApp seem to be available again.

Update at 19:28 pm: The services continue to run after another 20 minutes proflawless. The disruption appears to have ended.

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David Wurm

Do that TechnikNews-Ding together with a great team since 2015. Works in the background on the server infrastructure and is also responsible for everything editorial. Is fascinated by current technology and enjoys blogging about everything digital. In his free time he can often be found developing webs, taking photographs or making radio.

David has already written 978 articles and left 383 comments.

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Divani Lay

Reason: Since I have a loyal contact on Instagram, I can say with a clear conscience: A system update of the "shadow ban" has been carried out. This should happen at least twice a year. If you don't know what the shadow ban is, this is a process in which (easily explained) Instagram users and their accounts are "x-rayed". This is a profile analysis in which Instagram checks whether certain accounts are doing business with spam campaigns, fake followers and purchased likes.

Conclusion: if you don't buy followers and likes or spam others with your profile, you have nothing to fear.

It only takes a little patience.

Kind regards Divani_lay?


Interesting and why is Whatsapp down?
Do you have any other information about the contact?

Divani Lay

As far as Whatsapp is concerned, I can only speculate, but Whatsapp was only down for the majority of all users, but not the server, unfortunately I don't know what it's all about. But I'm not a big fan of Whatsapp either, since the last update I had to update all my data and confirm that my information and details are stored on their servers, which worries me a bit, so far it worked with Ptc data backup.. Unfortunately, the responsible department does not give much price to get an idea, which is a pity, because a company that is transparent also seems much more trustworthy... At least that's my opinion 🙂

As far as Instagram is concerned, there will be changes such as the heavily distorting effects that greatly deform the face, are now being critically examined. The company Spark AR, which designs augmented reality camera affects, wants to remove them completely, as it no longer fits into the concept of Instagram, but they are also looking for a better replacement to keep users happy.

A new "Dark mode" is also in the works, which shows the color transitions better.. these are the latest news that IG has already got going, of course the Shadow.Ban is also always being improved since it's the new "Baby" of the IG giant is..


Neeeeeiinnn. It's impossible how something like this can happen to Facebook. ??