iOS 14.5: Update enables the iPhone to be unlocked with an Apple Watch

In times like these, when it is necessary to wear a mask in public, Face ID on the iPhone is kind of useless. With iOS 14.5, Apple therefore enables the smartphone to be unlocked with an Apple Watch.
The first beta of iOS 14.5 was activated yesterday. Meanwhile, it's only the developer preview, a public version will likely be out in the next few days. As with the previous software versions, this beta was also checked for changes and news by various knowledgeable people. An interesting innovation is that with the new iOS version it will be possible to unlock the iPhone with your Apple Watch.
iOS 14.5: The unlocking feature requires watchOS 7.4
In order to be able to use the new function for unlocking, some requirements must be met. As you can probably already guess, you definitely need an Apple Watch that runs at least watchOS 7.4. From a purely theoretical point of view, this should be available for all models newer than the Series 3. In practice, however, the Series 3 is not used because most users don't have enough storage space for the update.
Next you have to activate the feature in the settings of the iPhone. It is important that the smartwatch is protected with a code and that the wearing detection is active. Now the iPhone is automatically unlocked when the software detects that you are wearing a mask and the Apple Watch is nearby.
I mentioned briefly that iOS 14.5 (and also watchOS 7.4) are in the beta phase. This means that we will probably have to wait a few more months for the updates to appear on the devices. But now you already know what to expect.