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Just Dance 2023: Cover Art, Screenshots and Details [Exclusive]

Just Dance 2023
Image: Ubisoft
(Post picture: © 2022 Ubisoft)

The game developer will present some new games at the Ubisoft Forward on September 10.9th. We have first information about this year's dance classic Just Dance 2023.

We have the first images and screenshots from the game that have appeared on the Internet. They show the cover art, UI elements and information from the game. Roughly summarizing what is immediately visible: The UI has been completely overhauled. Characters can be personalized and are now in 3D worlds. The song selector looks a bit like the Disney+ or Amazon Prime Video streaming services, and finally the game introduces a long-awaited online mode. Whether this also supports crossplay remains open.

Just Dance 2023

Image: Ubisoft

All further information about Just Dance 2023 will be at 21:00 on the Ubisoft Forward revealed.

Justdance 2023 screenshots

Image: Ubisoft

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Nils Ahrensmeier

Nils has been with us since 2019 TechnikNews and very interested in smartphones, speakers, smartwatches and SmartHome. In addition to his 'Creative Business' studies, he enjoys pursuing his hobby of athletics and meeting up with friends.

Nils has already written 324 articles and made 32 comments.

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W about JD 2025? :3


There is no disc, so I won't buy it.


There's a code on the case for the game download


This is exactly the problem, I have all the parts on disk. I can play with it whenever I want because it's mine. All games that are code are tied to a server whose license expires once and can never be used again. I'm not willing to pay money for that! Publishers want to profit more and more from people.


OMG, no xbox one and ps4? 🙁