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Lumia 950: Exchange devices and spare parts are in short supply

(Post picture: © 2016

All proud owners of a Lumia 950 or Lumia 950 XL should now take special care of their devices, as the Lumia 950 replacement devices and spare parts are in short supply. Of course, this also applies to the Lumia 950 XL.

The Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL were Microsoft smartphones that didn't really catch on. They were well equipped and could keep up with current Android models. The fact that they could not prevail was also due to the operating system called Windows 10 Mobile.

No more repairs possible

A few weeks ago, Microsoft transferred responsibility to B2X, who are now responsible for all devices - be it any repairs or the support service. That's exactly why they should Proproblems increase from day to day. Customers complain about the allegedly poor customer service and the repairs that are said to have taken place. B2X is said to have announced that repairing many devices is no longer possible, since there are hardly any replacement devices or spare parts available.

Guaranteed customers still have a chance

If the customer still has a guarantee on their smartphone, there might still be a few options. After all, in this case the guarantee is valid for two years. You can contact B2X or the seller directly, as the seller has to provide an equivalent replacement device.

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Martin Schneider

Martin is also active here as an editor. He is interested in smartphones, apps, notebooks, computers and the big internet. So in the end he is interested in many things in the colorful world of technology.

Martin has already written 72 articles and made 28 comments.

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