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Motorola g200: This is what the smartphone looks like [Exclusive]

Motorola g200 cover picture
Picture: TechnikNews
(Post picture: © 2021 TechnikNews)

The Motorola g200 will be presented in a few days. Now we have the first exclusive pictures.

The manufacturer Motorola will present the successor to the g100, the Motorola g200, in the coming days. We had exclusive about this in the past berichtet and reveal some technical details. Now we can show you the first pictures of the device, which we researched via public sources.

The pictures confirm our camera details, on the back the 108 megapixel camera is confirmed by a lettering. The color is dark blue, but we don't have much image material of light blue / white. We will add to this in the future.

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Nils Ahrensmeier

Nils has been with us since 2019 TechnikNews and very interested in smartphones, speakers, smartwatches and SmartHome. In addition to his 'Creative Business' studies, he enjoys pursuing his hobby of athletics and meeting up with friends.

Nils has already written 324 articles and made 32 comments.

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