Netflix is finally increasing subscription prices in the US

Erst yesterday I reported that Netflix was testing higher subscription prices with us. In the further course of yesterday it was announced that the monthly subscription costs in the USA had finally been increased.
The Verge writes that the subscription plan “Basic” now costs 9 US dollars instead of just 8 US dollars, “Standard” now costs 13 US dollars instead of just 11 US dollars and for “Premium” the video requires -Streaming Provider Now $ 16. Previously, this option was only $ 14 due. These new prices are effective immediately for all new subscribers. Only later will the new subscription models be valid for existing customers.
Will we have higher prices soon too?
You'd think that we couldn't care less if Netflix was in the US anymore pro month costs. Well, I don't see it all that easily. As I said, I reported yesterday that Netflix is now testing more expensive subscription plans with us. And even if this is only a test phase, Netflix said in a statement, I now believe that the monthly costs for the service could also increase here in Austria and Germany. We will get back to you when there is new information on this topic.