OPPO Summer Offers 2021: 19 percent VAT free

With some manufacturers, the beginning of summer also means offering tempting offers. OPPO is also there and is offering some deals for you with its "Summer Offers" campaign.
Update: OPPO has extended the summer offers until August 20, 2021.
The promotion runs from July 01st to August 20th, 2021. You save the full 19% VAT on many current products in OPPO's range. First of all, it should be noted that the promotion is only available at MediaMarkt & Saturn runs, but otherwise there are also a few special offers Consultant. Furthermore, the offers are only valid for Germany.
On this On the page you can see all the deals, the OPPO with the motto “Treat yourself to summer. Treat yourself to freedom ”offers.
OPPO summer offers: There are also regular deals on Amazon
Amazon customers feel excluded? Not quite, even on Amazon there are always offers from OPPO for a wide variety of products. For example, at the recent Amazon Prime Day to snap up some deals.
This summer offer is probably just the beginning of a series of other promotions that OPPO will be offering until August. By the way: In order to see how much you save, you first have to put the product of your choice in your shopping cart.
I have the best deals of the OPPO summer offers for you on twitter summarized:
Right now there are @OPPOGermany Summer offers.
I picked out the cheapest offers (in my opinion) for you.
Here is my #OPPOSummerSale thread:
- Dominik Lux | OPPOblogDE (@ Techmaster1409) July 3, 2021