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Overwatch boss revealed clues about new hero!

Athena on an Overwatch poster (Image: PCGamesN)
(Post picture: © 2017 PCGamesN))

During an interview for a documentary series, the Overwatch game director gave clear clues about a new hero. You can find out everything about the interview, the publication date & speculations here!

Jeff Kaplan was interviewed for IGN's "Expert Mode" documentary series and said of a new hero that it will be very fun and easy to play. He also clearly stated that the new hero will not appear anytime soon and that it is not a teaser. He also mentions to the reporter that hero number 26 is already in an internal test phase and that we can expect a lot from him.

Presumed release date

So far, all new heroes have been released approximately every four months, which means we can strongly assume that hero number 26 will be unveiled on November 4th, during Blizz-Con. You will then probably be able to play the hero directly on site. After that, the new hero will probably be available to all players a week later on the PTR server.

Speculation about the nature of the new hero

At this point in time we can strongly assume that it is a "support hero", as there are only 2-3 pure supporters so far: Mercy, Ana & Lucio. At Zenjatta & Symmetra, healing players is no longer a priority.

These are the two most likely candidates

The Queen of Junkertown: She has already been developed very far, for example she plays not unimportant roles in the new short film "The Plan", on the new map Junkertown and in one of the comics. There is also a spokeswoman for the "Queen". There is hardly any other “background character” about which so much information already exists.

Another possibility would be Wintston's rival, Hammond: He's also a monkey and we know him from the Horizon map. But I would rather rule him out, as I think a second monkey is unlikely to be a hero.

However, it could also be the following characters

It could also be a Greek hero: Shortly before Orisa was released, a Greek voice actor caused a sensation. A few voice lines were recorded and at that time a new Greek hero was immediately expected. But the speculations were personally denied by the voice actor and Orisa was finally released. But maybe the plan about a possible Greek hero, who would drive the story around the Map Ilios, was never discarded and will soon be made public as a finished hero.

Athena, Overwatch's artificial AI, is also to be expected. It already appears on some graphics, but it is also the familiar voice that welcomes us on every map. However, this would be confusing if we got the announcement from Athena and saw her on the battlefield at the same time. A new voice would be needed for the announcements.

Improbable candidates

Maximilian, a mafia-like robot from the Doomfist comedy, and Liao, one of the founders of Overwatch, who was no longer relevant after being mentioned for the first time, also have a very small chance.

A completely new character

Of course we always have to expect a completely new character. This was also the case with Orisa. But I rather suspect that the already very complex story of Overwatch will not be about another hero, but that existing characters will be further developed.


We can strongly assume that the new hero number 26 will be presented on November 4th, 2017 at Blizz-Con. It will likely be a support hero. With more precise information one can only speculate strongly: It could be the monkey Hammond or the Queen of Junkertown. Of course, you always have to expect a completely new character, as was the case with Orisa.

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Alexander Arzberger

Alex lives in Graz and has enjoyed dealing with computer games and technology since he was a child, thereby gaining a lot of experience in the field of computer games. He is currently playing Overwatch, but occasionally I also play the mobile game Clash Royale and Farming Simulator 2017. He has also always been interested in writing and literature.

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