PDF Expert: Update brings several export options for PDFs

Readdle's PDF Expert has once again received an update. It is now very easy to export a PDF in one of several formats.
PDF Expert has always offered all the tools that one could wish for for editing PDFs. Texts can be changed, marks can be set with the Apple Pencil, pages can be deleted, pages can be inserted and so much more. Another handy feature is that you can convert virtually any file format into a PDF.
With the latest update, the latter is also possible the other way around.
PDF Expert: This is how the revised export function works
From now on it is very easy to export a PDF file as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, PNG or TXT. The individual options can be found in the new "Export" menu. After selecting an option, you can choose whether you just want to save the file after the conversion or send it straight away. Depending on the situation, the window for selecting a storage location or the native share view of iOS and iPadOS opens.
PDF Expert is available free of charge from the App Store. The new PDF export and some other features require a paid subscription.