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Proproductive on the tablet: Photoshop is coming to the iPad

Image: Mac Rumors
(Post picture: © 2018 Mac Rumors)

David Haydl

This is what the author says:

From my point of view, now is exactly the right time to present such software for the iPad. Especially the iPad Pro According to Apple, with iOS 11 and upwards it should be able to perfectly replace your own laptop. But what do I do if I can't use my usual software? Another reason why now is the right time for Photoshop on the iPad is that the Apple Pencil is now even better for interacting with the software. Besides that proyou fit, especially with Photoshop, strongly from the performance that the iPads can offer you.

Now there is Pro-models of the iPads already three years. The devices that are intended to replace your own laptop. But proper software like Photoshop never existed. Until now.

Many will now say that Photoshop is already in the App Store. That's true, at least in part. Because this is just Photoshop Express, a heavily trimmed version of the actual software. So she was for professional purposes quite useless, which is why a fully-fledged version of Photoshop for the iPad is now in the starting blocks.

Release may not be until next year

According to Scott Belsky, the chief Product Officer for the Creative Cloud at Adobe, Photoshop for the iPad is said to be part of the company's multi-platform strategy. However, it can still be a long time before the finished app ends up in the App Store on the iPad. This is because it takes time to adapt a full-fledged and rather complex software to the iPad. In addition, Adobe wants to make it possible to work synchronously on all devices, which is not something that just came out of the blue.

It is therefore assumed that Photoshop on the iPad will not be able to be used on the iPad until 2019 at the earliest. The presentation for this should take place in October this year at Adobe's annual MAX conference.

According to Belsky, the app should then be accessible to all customers as quickly as possible. It is not known whether the apparent time pressure is due to the growing competition from the Affinity Photo app. You also have to keep in mind that delays are always possible.

You can already use Photoshop on the iPad today

However, there is a workaround on how you can use the full version of Photoshop on your iPad today. For this you need a Mac or a MacBook and software that allows the screen content to be mirrored on an iPad. Duet Display and Astropad are particularly well-known here because they also support input with an Apple Pencil

Disadvantage of the whole thing: You always have to have your MacBook with you everywhere. There would be a full-fledged version of the photo editorprogram directly on the iPad much more practical.

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David Haydl

David lives in Graz and has been there for around half a decade TechnikNews, also editor-in-chief for some time. He regularly provides the site with news, test reports and the like TechnikNews Weekly, which was his idea to launch. He likes to spend his free time outdoors, listening to a lot of music (and clearly too loud) and some podcasts on all kinds of topics, and also likes to go running. He enjoys the time that remains with his charming girlfriend or in front of the TV.

David has already written 1257 articles and left 117 comments.

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David Haydl

This is what the author says:

From my point of view, now is exactly the right time to present such software for the iPad. Especially the iPad Pro According to Apple, with iOS 11 and upwards it should be able to perfectly replace your own laptop. But what do I do if I can't use my usual software? Another reason why now is the right time for Photoshop on the iPad is that the Apple Pencil is now even better for interacting with the software. Besides that proyou fit, especially with Photoshop, strongly from the performance that the iPads can offer you.

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