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Snapchat leak: source code of the app landed publicly on Github

(Post picture: © 2018

Parts of Snapchat's source code are floating around on Github. This code is said to have become public due to a Snapchat leak during an update for the iOS app. The corresponding repository has already been deleted - however, the copies continue to spread.

Lately, the negative headlines about Snapchat have been mounting (we had reported). Now the worst case of a non-open source app has occurred: Parts of the source code are public. Snap Inc., the company behind the app, has the action of the read code opposite Motherboard already admitted. Allegedly you should be able to find the first code snippets on Github as early as May. “We became aware that some parts of our source code ended up on Github. However, this leak had no impact on our company or the security of our app, ”says Snapchat.

Snapchat leak: source code continues to spread

Since Snapchat probably only became aware of it at the beginning of August, it had now reacted and one Initiated a take-down request (DMCA) on GitHub, the code has been spreading ever since. So asks a user on twitterwhether anyone still has access to the Snapchat source code. Within a short time, links to new clones of the Snapchat source code landed below this. Some of these links are now offline - but there seem to be a large number of users with offline copies. “Yeah, I've got it,” wrote a Twitter user when asked whether someone still had the source code and at the same time posts a link to a new repository on GitHub.

It is uncertain whether this leak really has no effect on the Snapchat app. In this way, however, weaknesses in the code can now be easily found in order to then exploit them. How Snapchat will proceed is questionable, only one thing is certain: The source code will continue to spread.

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David Wurm

Do that TechnikNews-Ding together with a great team since 2015. Works in the background on the server infrastructure and is also responsible for everything editorial. Is fascinated by current technology and enjoys blogging about everything digital. In his free time he can often be found developing webs, taking photographs or making radio.

David has already written 962 articles and left 382 comments.

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