Sonos: Controller app gets a new coat of paint

Sonos has once again been working on the app for its own products and has completely redesigned its appearance. A web version of the app will also soon be launched for the first time. The details.
Sonos previously structured its app with tabs at the bottom of the screen, without any customization options. The company completely ditched this design for the major redesign. Instead, everything can now be found on a single home screen, which by default shows things like recently played content or a list of all connected services.
Sonos app: Flexible settings
The start screen is also completely customizable for the first time. Not only can the user determine the order in which the individual rows should appear, but they can also remove or add parts, such as sections from the Spotify homepage. Another innovation, which is also accessible via the app's home screen, are the Sonos favorites. This is a separate area where you can save frequently heard content. Configurations will be pro saved on the device so that different users of a system only see what they really want.
- Image: Sonos
- Image: Sonos
- Image: Sonos
The app's search function has also been overhauled. It is now always visible in the bottom half of the screen and can scan all connected services. Sonos favorites, recently played content and frequently used services are given priority.
If you swipe up on the current playback display, you will get an overview of all devices in the system, their groupings and information about ongoing playbacks.
Sonos will also offer a web app with the same functions for the first time. This communicates with the music system via the cloud, which enables it to be controlled while on the go. In addition, it is intended to replace the previously available desktop app over time.
Sonos app: availability
The redesigned Sonos app including the web app will be activated on May 7th. It replaces the S2 controller and is compatible with the same operating system versions as it. The S1 controller remains available.