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Sony WH-1000XM5: First information in advance [Exclusive]

Sony WH 1000 XM5 cover photo
Image: Sony
(Post picture: © 2022 Sony)

Sony will soon launch the WH-1000XM5. TechnikNews the first render images are now exclusively available. 

Sony's WH-1000XM4 are considered to be the best over-ear headphones with ANC on the market, so a successor has always only been a matter of time. However, the launch is even imminent, according to at least one retail source. This also delivered the first render images to us, which we will show you in this article with initial information.

Sony WH-1000XM5: New design is simpler, more modern

The biggest difference of the new generation is above all: Tidy. While many parts have still been connected to the XM4, Sony is cleaning up the design. Everything looks as if it were made of one piece, modern and light. According to our information, the colors will again be a classic "black" and a "silver" (which looks more like sandstone to us). Enlarging or reducing the headphones has now also become easier, because the headphones are now on a bracket in the ear pad.

Sony WH-1000XM5: First specifications

The technical data are so far very rare. What we know: The headphones should last 40 hours of battery life (with ANC!) and be fully charged again in 3.5 hours. In other words: Sony has increased the battery life by a whole 10 hours, but you only have to charge it for half an hour longer.

A new driver has been installed, which was not defined in detail. Furthermore, two processors are responsible for the ANC, as are the three microphones. Bluetooth runs on the 5.2 standard, and a jack connection is still present. Charging is done via USB-C, as was the case with the predecessor.

It is also interesting that the on/off switch is now a slider, at least the render suggests this. The "Custom" button has now been renamed to NC/Ambient but still sits in the same place.

We don't have a release or a price yet, but the scope of delivery will again include a chic case.

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Nils Ahrensmeier

Nils has been with us since 2019 TechnikNews and very interested in smartphones, speakers, smartwatches and SmartHome. In addition to his 'Creative Business' studies, he enjoys pursuing his hobby of athletics and meeting up with friends.

Nils has already written 324 articles and made 32 comments.

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How is the "call mic" quality? Can it compete with the mics on the Bose NC 700?
How comfortable is the headband? It looks narrow and painful, given the likely weight of these cans.


Winston, that's not a review??

graceland too

anything about Bluetooth LE Audio?