Spotify: Current playback gets a new coat of paint

The minds behind Spotify regularly change the design of their app. With the latest update, they improved the look of the current playback.
The current playback UI update has mainly repositioned or improved icons and elements to make them easier to interact with. So the button for the song queue and the button for the context menu swapped places. You probably did this because the former is needed more often. Then everyone should immediately notice that the play-pause button is now filled in white.
Like and dislike button for songs recommended by Spotify
Something also happened in the middle of the “Now Playing” view. The title of the song is now displayed larger so that it is easier to read. To the left of this the tick icon made room for a heart symbol. The functionality is still the same: It shows whether the current song has already been saved in the library or not. For songs recommended by Spotify, there is now a Like and Dislike button instead of the buttons for repeating and shuffling tracks. These options went to the context menu.
Source: CURVED