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TechnikNews Weekly # 060: Game of Thrones Season 8, Samsung Galaxy Fold, iOS 13 and more

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(Post picture: © 2019 TechnikNews)

The last week was mixed up again - you have been busy clicking our articles again. From these clicks, ours will be created again this Sunday TechnikNews weekly.

Stream "Game of Thrones" Season 8

We almost guessed it: Your most popular article this week was our overview of the GoT streams. There we have listed where you can stream the popular series or whether the series will also make it on TV. Would you like to start streaming right away? Then click right into our article.

First devices of the Samsung Galaxy Fold broken

This week saw some negative headlines about Samsung's upcoming foldable smartphone. This is what some technology YouTubers reported on Twitter Protrouble. With some the display only flickers, with others nothing is displayed at all. The reason for this was probably the foil that was removed by some. Samsung is currently reviewing the incidents and taking care of them.

Details on the upcoming iOS 13 from Apple

Apple will introduce the successor to the current iOS 12 this year. So this week there were new details about the upcoming mobile operating system. It is exciting that Apple has planned some new smart functions. Among other things, there should be a smart overview for the mail app, multitasking for iPad should come and some other functions are also planned. What exactly? We have an overview of it in our article.

Documents from Readdle with "FileDrop"

With the iOS app "Documents" from Readdle (also the makers of Spark), have released a new version of their app. This week “FileDrop” was introduced on iOS. This should offer some advantages over “AirDrop” from Apple. So you can probably share entire folder structures with other parts. There should also be some other advantages.

OnePlus 6T (McLaren Edition) review

For the weekend spurt, we published the test report for the OnePlus 6T in the McLaren Edition on Saturday. I had the opportunity to test the smartphone extensively for you in the past few weeks. Now my conclusion is there - in general I was very enthusiastic about it. However, there were also some points of criticism, of course. It's best to read the test report right away.

More articles this week

All articles that are not in your toplist of the TechnikNews Weekly, you think on our homepage and on the previous pages, which you can reach via "next page".

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David Wurm

Do that TechnikNews-Ding together with a great team since 2015. Works in the background on the server infrastructure and is also responsible for everything editorial. Is fascinated by current technology and enjoys blogging about everything digital. In his free time he can often be found developing webs, taking photographs or making radio.

David has already written 974 articles and left 382 comments.

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