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Twitter Blue: Subscription for $2,99 pro month in the starting blocks

Image: Jane Manchun Wong
(Featured image: © 2021 Jane Manchun Wong)

It has often been heard that Twitter is working on a paid subscription. This could soon be launched as Twitter Blue.

Jane Manchun Wong is known for revealing unreleased features in apps and services. Now she found out that we could soon see a paid subscription with additional features from Twitter. This will be called Twitter Blue and will initially cost $2,99 pro month to start. Wong writes here "for now", which suggests that this price could change in the future.

Twitter Blue will include “Collections” and the ability to opt out of tweets, according to Wong. The "Collections" can be thought of as a folder system for favorite postings. They should make it easier to find tweets at a later point in time. To revoke tweets, a button appears after posting, which disappears after a short time. A new post will not be posted if you press this button in time. Wong also writes that other subscription options with additional goodies could come at a higher price in the future. As a specific example, it is stated that the timeline could be ad-free with a certain subscription.

All in all, it sounds very exciting. When Twitter will present these changes is currently unclear.


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David Haydl

David lives in Graz and has been there for around half a decade TechnikNews, also editor-in-chief for some time. He regularly provides the site with news, test reports and the like TechnikNews Weekly, which was his idea to launch. He likes to spend his free time outdoors, listening to a lot of music (and clearly too loud) and some podcasts on all kinds of topics, and also likes to go running. He enjoys the time that remains with his charming girlfriend or in front of the TV.

David has already written 1252 articles and left 116 comments.

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