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Ubisoft @ E3 2019: Watch Dogs Legion, Rainbow Six Quarantine, Uplay Plus and more [all games with trailer]

Image: Ubisoft
(Post picture: © 2019 Ubisoft)

Besides Xbox Ubisoft also used E3 this evening and showed some new games. It was quite diverse - it was not for nothing that the keynote lasted almost 130 minutes. We have an overview of all games including trailers.

The E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) is one of the largest video and games trade fairs. It takes place in Los Angeles. Last year we were on here via E3 TechnikNews reported - this time we give you a brief overview of all new games from Ubisoft. All trailers included, of course.

New Uplay Plus paid subscription with over 100 games

Before we start with the overview of the games, a short announcement in advance. Today Ubisoft showed its own subscription - many manufacturers now have such subscriptions. With Uplay Plus you have "unlimited access" to over 100 games. More games should be added over time. You can currently subscribe to games such as The Division 2, The Crew 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and new releases such as Watchdogs Legion and Ghost Recon Breakpoint will follow.

The service costs 14,99 euros a month - if you sign up now already register here, can try it for free in September. Uplay Plus will then also follow on Google Stadia - but not until 2020.

Watch Dogs Legion

Release: March 6, 2020

Britain's capital is sinking into chaos of corruption, tyranny and gang wars. But there is resistance, which the player naturally lends a hand. Hacking, chases, sneaking, shootings - everything included. With Permadeath for members who fail on their missions. You can play whoever you can recruit - from the bald gentleman doorman type to the harmless-looking teatime grandma.

Rumors had it that the latest installment in the Watch Dog series would take place in London after Brexit and it turned out they were spot on. Ubisoft officially announced the game along with extensive gameplay material in which you navigate the streets of futuristic London, including Camden Market and Piccadilly Circus, as Ian (a character from a Guy Ritchie film).

Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Beta test from: September 05, 2019 | Release: 04 October 2019

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a military shooter that is set in a versatile, hostile and mysterious open game world and can be played completely alone in solo mode or with four people in co-op mode.

The beta test should start on September 5th, you can already register online. Ubisoft promises years of support with new content and updates. You can register for the beta here.

Tom Clancy's Elite Squad

Release: unknown | Pre-registration possible

At its E3 2019 press conference, Ubisoft announced a new mobile game called Tom Clancy's Elite Squad. The mash-up tactical game brings together the various stars of other stand-alone Tom Clancy titles with a unique cartoon style.

The trailer featured characters from the Division, Rainbow Six Siege, Ghost Recon and Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell. You can start now pre-register here. Then you get a "Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Tool". The game will come for Android and iOS.

Just Dance 2020

Release: November 2019

This is the next edition of Just Dance - now with the addition 2020. It was presented on stage with a colorful, lively dance performance. It will also be available on all major platforms such as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in November of this year Google Stadia and even Nintendo Wii. There is also “Just Dance Unlimited”, an “on-demand subscription service” with “more than 500 songs”, as well as a return to Just Dance co-op mode.

Rainbow Six Quarantine

Release: Spring 2020

Ubisoft has announced Rainbow Six Quarantine, a new spin-off for the Tom Clancy series that appears to be inspired by the popular Rainbow Six Siege Outbreak Event. The game will be released as a standalone title.

The outbreak was a temporary event that came about as part of Operation Chimera 2018 for the Rainbow Six Siege. In the city of Truth and Consequences, New Mexico, Rainbow Six players face an alien pandemic. The quarantine will be a three-player tactical cooperative calling on teams of operators to work and fight together against the growing threat posed by a technological parasite. The short teaser did not reveal any details such as the location of the story or possible new operators.

It's the first Rainbow Six game since Rainbow Six Siege was released in 2015. Rainbow Six Quarantine will be released in 2020 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC.

Roller Champions

Release: Early 2020 | Pre-alpha from: 10. to 14. June 2018

Somewhat reminiscent of Rocket League, but only slightly. But also something about Fornite - at least in terms of characters.

Roller Champions is a 3 against 3 roller derby. Players must skate on a closed oval track while maintaining control of a ball. It's not as easy as it sounds because roller derby is a full contact sport and the main defense strategy is to check the ball carrier into the nearest wall. To counter this, the offensive is able to dodge, jump, and get out of the way, as well as passing the ball between team members.

Here you can play the E3 demo - from today until June 14th.

Gods & Monsters

Release: 25. February 2020

One of the obstacles in creating the Assassin's Creed: Odyssey was the location of Ancient Greece and the focus was on the story. The boundaries between history and mythology are not always clear. Assassin's Creed focuses on the story, but as Odyssey creative director Jonathan Dumont explained.

But it was sometimes difficult to tell whether a historical figure or event was real or mythical. That meant the development team had to get rid of the myths whenever they could - but it also left a lot of cool things behind that Dumont would have liked to use in the game, but that wouldn't have been realistic.

Gods & Monsters is a good mix of myth and reality. The gameplay looks similar to what was offered in Assassins: Creedy Odyssey, but with new skills like double jump, a magical paraglider, and an upward movement that can throw you into the air to attack flying creatures.

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David Wurm

Do that TechnikNews-Ding together with a great team since 2015. Works in the background on the server infrastructure and is also responsible for everything editorial. Is fascinated by current technology and enjoys blogging about everything digital. In his free time he can often be found developing webs, taking photographs or making radio.

David has already written 978 articles and left 383 comments.

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One disappointment in a row.
Just Dance 2020: boring anyway
Roller Champions: Rocket League clone only in bad
Gods & Monsters: Kindergarten Game

So who needs that? Could have saved money.