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Unknown Google Pay debiting of "TARGET" via PayPal - what to do?

Google Pay
Image: Google
(Post picture: © 2018 Google)

Many Google Pay users are currently reporting about unknown debits from "TARGET" via PayPal. The debited amounts range from several hundred euros to 1.000 euros. What you can currently do.

On Monday, numerous Google Pay users reported that “TARGET” debited unauthorized amounts of money via PayPal. Most of these withdrawals occurred in the early morning hours of February 24th. Affected users are currently posting screenshots in the google forum, the anger is also vented on Twitter. In addition, there are also users with unknown debits to “MAILED IT” or “OPJLAXCXAWICK LPTAB”.

Google Pay / PayPal "TARGET" debit

Screenshot: Google Forums

Unknown Google Pay direct debit: what to do next?

Some of the affected users also report that they had activated 2-factor authentication. There were also no unusual login activities in the affected account. PayPal and Google are also said to have not sent any warning emails about strange activities. This means that it can be ruled out that the problem is the user's fault or that the account is possibly unsafe. While Google and PayPal are currently investigating the problem, we currently recommend deleting PayPal as a payment method from Google Pay. It is also important to remove any existing links between Google Pay and PayPal. It appears to be a problem in combination with the two services.

If you have already had money debited from your account, you should make use of PayPal buyer protection. The majority of affected users were able to get their money back within a few hours. Apart from that, PayPal and Google have not yet made any further statements on this problem. We will keep you updated.

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David Wurm

Do that TechnikNews-Ding together with a great team since 2015. Works in the background on the server infrastructure and is also responsible for everything editorial. Is fascinated by current technology and enjoys blogging about everything digital. In his free time he can often be found developing webs, taking photographs or making radio.

David has already written 978 articles and left 383 comments.

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