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3 free AdBlockers for iPhone

(Post picture: © 2015

Everyone who surfs the Internet knows them, advertising. Advertising is necessary so that pages are maintained and the owners of this page are not left at their own expense. But if you don't want to see this ad, you have to go Program. We now list you 3 ad blockers that are really good when it comes to blocking ads.

1. Adblock PlusAdblock iPhone

Adblock Plus, one of the most popular ad blockers out there, is also available for the iPhone. The application blocks malware or trackers. At the same time, Adblock Plus also wants for
ensure longer battery life and save data volume.


2. BlockBear

Adblock iPhone BBBlockBear blocks popups, social media buttons, but also tracking cookies, scripts and more if necessary. The websites should load 3 times faster. But if necessary, tracking cookies, scripts and more will also be blocked.




3. Adblock Fast

Adblock iPhone FastWith Adblock Fast, web pages load significantly faster, but it also blocks ads. That Programm does without filter rules and instead wants to score points with an efficient way of working.




On our own behalf: we at TechnikNews advertise to finance our site. Therefore we ask you to turn off your AdBlocker with us! Thanks!

Your opinion is asked: maybe you already use an AdBlocker? Do you mind advertising on the Internet in general? - We would be interested in your opinion!

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Martin Schneider

Martin is also active here as an editor. He is interested in smartphones, apps, notebooks, computers and the big internet. So in the end he is interested in many things in the colorful world of technology.

Martin has already written 72 articles and made 28 comments.

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