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[HOW-TO] Send documents on WhatsApp

(Post picture: © 2015

In the last few weeks it was only possible to send PDFs on WhatsApp with WhatsApp BETA. Now the update is also available in the store. In the following we would like to show how you can send PDFs on WhatsApp.

A few days ago it was already clear that in the future it would be possible to send documents on WhatsApp. So far you could only test the feature with the latest version of Messenger, which you can find on the WhatsApp website or you are a BETA tester and receive the latest functions first directly from the Google Play Store. We'll soon show you how to log in to WhatsApp in the Play Store as a tester TechnikNews Counselor. The update is now officially available to everyone in the Google Play Store.

There are 2 options for sending a PDF to others via WhatsApp. The first option: You open the messenger and select a chat contact. You click on the paper clip and then on "Document". Then you select the PDF that you would like to send. The second option: you open a PDF on your smartphone with any reader. Now you send the file, usually this menu item is called "Send file ..." - there you click on it and then you select WhatsApp. Then you just have to select the contact you would like to send the PDF to.

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David Wurm

Do that TechnikNews-Ding together with a great team since 2015. Works in the background on the server infrastructure and is also responsible for everything editorial. Is fascinated by current technology and enjoys blogging about everything digital. In his free time he can often be found developing webs, taking photographs or making radio.

David has already written 962 articles and left 382 comments.

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Eye traffic jam

Safe alternative: use Threema. 😉

Eye traffic jam

I haven't heard anything about documents being encrypted as well. And even if: Metadata always eats up WhatsApp, and they will be more interested in them than in the actual content. Threema can be used anonymously.


Eye, can't quite understand you. WhatsApp does encrypt chats, as David said.
Please write to me if you see it differently.

Eye traffic jam

@Markus, it is correct that WhatsApp now encrypts chats. However, the metadata is still being evaluated, at least that is allowed according to the Privacy Policy and there are no technical restrictions that would prevent this (as is the case with Threema). The metadata not only includes information about when you were online and with whom and how often you communicated, but also, for example, your location (which you do not have to release for this, it can be determined using the IP address). Together with the Facebook database, a detailed picture can be created in this way. With Threema, the metadata is not saved. If you want, you can use Threema anonymously, which means that no metadata can arise that affect your person.


Hello eyes
respect you know your way around really well 😉
You have to become a technology blogger, like the people here at TechnikNews 😛

Eye traffic jam

@Markus Well, I'm just a Facebook and now WhatsApp hater and that's not the first time I'm having this discussion. 😉 I was able to encourage most of my acquaintances to switch to Threema by constantly urging them. 😉


When you have a friend like that 😛
Are you actually here often on this page?

Eye traffic jam

Rarely on the site - but of course I've subscribed to the feed! 😉

Martin Schneider

I like it!


Nobody uses Threema? So I haven't found anyone from my contacts on Threema ...

Eye traffic jam

Then I would worry about my circle of acquaintances in your place. 🙂

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