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Useful: 3 unknown Google services

(Post picture: © 2016

Martin Schneider

This is what the author says:

I've been using Google Sound Search for quite a while and I think it's wonderful. Also, Google Keep is quite useful too: I'll check it out in the next few daysprobeer

Google not only includes Gmail or Google Drive, but also some unknown services.

Google offers some useful features and services that some surfers are not familiar with. We have prepared 3 unknown Google services for you!

Google Keep

Image: Google

Image: Google Play Store

Google Keep is a note taking app from Google and quite unknown to Google Drive. The app makes it possible to edit and share notes together and make them accessible from anywhere. The only thing you need is a computer or a smartphone.

Google Fonts

Image: Screenshot / Google

Image: Screenshot / Google

Google Fonts is an archive for fonts that you can download for free or embed using HTML or CSS. There are currently over 800 fonts to choose from Proprojects of all kinds.

Google Sound Search

Image: Screenshot / Google Play Store

Image: Screenshot / Google Play Store

Google Sound Search is a music recognition app for Android. You can listen to a song and then buy the song in the Google Play Store. The title and artist of the song are also displayed. You can also set up a widget on the home screen so that you can start music recognition directly. Should a title be forgotten, you can look it up in the history of Google Sound Search.


There are of course more than 3 unknown Google services that are not that common but can be very useful. A second part of this could appear in the next few weeks TechnikNews appear.

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Martin Schneider

Martin is also active here as an editor. He is interested in smartphones, apps, notebooks, computers and the big internet. So in the end he is interested in many things in the colorful world of technology.

Martin has already written 72 articles and made 28 comments.

Martin Schneider

This is what the author says:

I've been using Google Sound Search for quite a while and I think it's wonderful. Also, Google Keep is quite useful too: I'll check it out in the next few daysprobeer

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