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App test: Pineapple Pen

Picture: TechnikNews/Screenshot
(Post picture: © 2016 TechnikNews/Screenshot)

In Pineapple Pen, all you have to do is fire at apples and pineapples with a pen. A really lovely app.


Pineapple Pen is pretty easy to explain as it's an app that is just meant to prove your skills. Pineapple Pen is a free game app for Android and iOS devices. In Pineapple Pen you don't have to do anything other than shoot a pineapple / pineapple and apples with a pen. If you manage to hit an apple or a pineapple in the middle, the smiling head of the man from the PPAP video appears in cartoon form for about a second and says in a relaxed tone when you have shot an apple, "Apple Pen!" and in the same case with a pineapple “Pineapple Pen!”.

If you managed to hit a pineapple and an apple (order does not matter) directly in the middle, the next thing you will see is a pineapple and an apple on your screen. If you have shot the apple and the pineapple at the same time, the cartoon head of Mr. PPAP will appear again and again utter in his calm voice, “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen!”. If you miss an apple or a pineapple, you have to play the round again and the happy faces of one of the two fruits turn into sad faces.


In Pineapple Pen, you can do more than just fire a pen at fruit. As soon as you are in the menu, you can view your leaderboard, conquer a huge pineapple, adjust volume and sound, choose the background, accept challenges and buy new designs for your pen.

My Opinion

I think Pineapple Pen is an app that will cause most people to freak out (I've seen it myself), because this game is about skill. For me, this app is a very fun bus ride game and the app is like Mr Bean - Around the World also playable without internet. Every now and then advertising appears in the Pineapple Pen, which can sometimes be upsetting, but the game is something really great for one or the other.


The app gets 8 out of 10 points from me!

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Gregor is up as an aptester Techniknews active. He tests the latest apps and games for Android and iOS.

Gregor has already written 15 articles and left 3 comments.

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[...] better if there were instructions that would be displayed before the first game start. Like the last app, this one also works without internet reception and makes a lot of things to me personally [...]

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