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Notion in the Apptest: One application for everything

Picture: TechnikNews
(Post picture: © 2018 TechnikNews)

It is often the case that you have an app for tasks, an app for notes and an app for documents. The app Notion should combine all three applications in one. I have them offprobeers.

Basic structure and design

In Notion you start with a blank page that has either a black or white background. That depends on whether you prefer dark mode or light mode. A little later I will explain what exactly you can do with these pages.

All main pages are displayed in the left sidebar. All pages that have been placed under the main page can be displayed using the arrow button. So yes, you can nest pages as often as you like. The sidebar is pinned by default, but can be hidden. Then all you have to do is move the cursor to bring it up again. This way you don't get so distracted while you work.

In Notion you always start with an empty page (screenshot: TechnikNews)

At the top left you can see two navigation buttons and the current path where you are at the moment. Both elements are automatically hidden while writing so as not to distract the user.

Put your own workspace together

I mentioned above that you start in Notion with a simple blank page. The first thing you could do is give it a cover and an icon. Or you can initially stick to the templates that the developers created themselves. I find these to be of great help for beginners.

Of course you can also build your own pages, as I did in the end. You will often need the slash for the design. If you type in this, a drop-down menu opens with elements that you can place on your page. This includes things like headings, additional pages, and lists. For the final touches, the font and font size can be changed using the menu that opens when you click the button with the three dots.

At some point you have a workspace like the one I created for my school work.

Notion can be set up very individually (screenshot: TechnikNews)

Notion for creating documents and notes

Of course, you can also leave a page blank to write text or take notes. Here, too, the slash will often be used for headings, lists or dividing lines.

Individual words or entire text passages can be formatted by marking them. A small bar with buttons opens for this, where you can choose whether the text should appear bold, italic or crossed out. Unfortunately, there is no option to underline words. Instead of the buttons you can also use keyboard shortcuts for formatting. Or you can use Markdown commands as you would with the iA Writer can make.

I myself use Notion for taking notes at school. It was positive that I save a lot because I can format my text while typing.

Boards, tables and calendars

Boards, tables and calendars are another feature that makes Notion unique. You can insert this on an existing page or insert it as a completely new page. Like the rest of Notion, boards, tables and calendars can be set up very individually.

Boards, tables and calendars can be linked and set up very individually (screenshot: TechnikNews)

For example, you can create your own categories which, depending on your choice, will or will not be displayed for each entry. There are also filter and search criteria. You can also link the boards, tables and calendars with one another. I have a calendar as a general overview and a status board for test reports and test devices.

Prices and availability

Notion is available for macOS, Windows, iOS and Android. Plans start at $5 pro Month. Teams plans start at $8 pro Users pro Month. Unfortunately, payment is currently only possible by credit card. PayPal support will hopefully come soon though.

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David Haydl

David lives in Graz and has been there for around half a decade TechnikNews, also editor-in-chief for some time. He regularly provides the site with news, test reports and the like TechnikNews Weekly, which was his idea to launch. He likes to spend his free time outdoors, listening to a lot of music (and clearly too loud) and some podcasts on all kinds of topics, and also likes to go running. He enjoys the time that remains with his charming girlfriend or in front of the TV.

David has already written 1251 articles and left 116 comments.

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Hello David. I like your Proproductivity tests. Are you still using Notion? Please update!
LG, Vince


Hey David, I recently looked at Notion as an Evernote alternative and didn't really warm to it either. Could you describe your "process" or your workflow in more detail? This is exactly what I am missing, so that I can warm up to Notion. But it wasn't any different in the beginning with Evernote ... Greetings


Thanks for the good description. I am currently using Evernote. Notion is an alternative.

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